Dental Veneers in Union Square, NY

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining a healthy smile. Nevertheless, there are additional factors that, while they may not impact the health of your teeth, can lead to feelings of self-consciousness about your smile. That’s why, alongside our extensive range of general dentistry services, we also provide cosmetic dentistry options to improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your self-assurance.

Dental veneers in Union Square, NY, are one of our most popular cosmetic dentistry solutions. If you’re interested in boosting your confidence in your smile by improving the appearance of stains, chipped or broken teeth, or irregularly shaped teeth, veneers may be the solution. Getting the smile of your dreams can be accomplished quickly and effectively with veneers.

Porcelain Veneers in Union Square, NY

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are skillfully affixed to the front surface of the teeth, seamlessly concealing any imperfections. Veneers are expertly crafted to fit each unique tooth, and they can be customized in a range of shades and sizes to blend with the surrounding teeth seamlessly. Experience the transformative power of porcelain veneers, which can help you bid farewell to dental imperfections and welcome a radiant, seamless smile. Say goodbye to chips, cracks, discolorations, and gaps, and say hello to a flawless, uniform appearance that brings a harmonious balance to your smile.

We are confident that veneers can help you achieve your desired results, whether you want to enhance the appearance of a single tooth or an entire row of teeth.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Porcelain Veneers in Union Square, NY?

Veneers offer a range of advantages for different cosmetic issues. If you meet the following criteria, porcelain veneers in Union Square, NY, could be a great option for you:

    • You would like to address cosmetic concerns such as staining, chipped or broken teeth, or irregularly shaped teeth. With veneers, you can easily address all of these concerns at once.
    • Your tooth enamel is strong enough to support a porcelain veneer. It is important to ensure that there is sufficient enamel to support the veneer, as a portion of the tooth enamel may need to be filed down for a proper fit.
    • You avoid habits that could potentially harm your veneers, such as teeth grinding and nail biting, as they have the potential to cause damage to your veneers.
    • Your teeth are perfectly aligned or very close to it.
    • You maintain excellent oral hygiene practices.

If you’re interested in exploring the possibility of porcelain veneers, we invite you to schedule an appointment at Smile Lab Dentistry in Union Square, NY. Our team of experts will be happy to assess your suitability for this treatment.

Cost of Porcelain Veneers in Union Square, NY

The cost of veneers can vary, typically falling between $900 and $2500 per tooth. The cost varies depending on whether or not the tooth needs contouring. Insurance coverage for porcelain veneers may be available if they are considered medically necessary, such as in the case of an accident. Make sure to reach out to your insurance provider for further information.

When you book a consultation for porcelain veneers in Union Square, NY, we can give you a more precise estimate of the anticipated costs for you.

What to Expect With Your Porcelain Veneers Treatment & Procedure at Our Union Square Office

At Smile Lab Dentistry, our team of skilled dentists utilizes cutting-edge technology to create a beautiful smile using porcelain veneers.

    • Our process starts with a consultation with one of our experienced dentists. They will thoroughly evaluate your smile and discuss your smile goals.
    • Then, our team of experts will carefully capture impressions of your teeth to craft personalized porcelain veneers that are tailored to enhance your smile.
    • After the veneers are prepared, we will carefully attach them to your teeth and ensure a perfect fit by making any required adjustments.

Once your treatment is finished, you’ll be able to admire your stunning new smile! Our experienced dentists will give you comprehensive guidance on how to properly maintain your porcelain veneers properly, ensuring their longevity and your satisfaction. Additionally, we have provided some helpful tips below on how to care for your smile enhancements after your veneer treatment!

Taking Care of Your Porcelain Veneers

Taking proper care of your porcelain veneers is crucial for maximizing their lifespan.

    • Dr. Waise Ebrahimi suggests maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing and flossing, to ensure the longevity of your teeth and veneers.
    • Furthermore, it is important to exercise caution to prevent engaging in potentially harmful behaviors, such as biting on hard objects, consuming acidic foods, and grinding teeth, as these can have the potential to cause damage to your veneers.

Taking good care of your porcelain veneers is crucial for their longevity. By following the right maintenance routine, you can significantly extend their lifespan from one or two years to an impressive five to seven years. If you’re ready to discover the amazing transformation that porcelain veneers can bring to your smile, don’t hesitate to reach out to Smile Lab Dentistry. We would be delighted to book a consultation for you.